On Making Sex Last: Cheerleading & Open Relationships on Good Vibes Magazine

My newest piece about making love and sex last in long term relationships is up over at the Good Vibrations Magazine:

I’ve asked a couple people recently what their secrets were for their successful long-term relationship, how they keep the passion alive, how they keep walking that delicate line of having enough space and still being connected to each other. Coming together, going apart, coming back together, over and over through the years.

One friend answered, “Do you really want to know? We sleep around. We’re both big sluts. The commitment, to me, means that we are each other’s biggest cheerleaders. We don’t believe in possessing each other. I am always on the sidelines yelling, ‘Go you!’”

Read the whole thing over at magazine.goodvibes.com

The Ongoing Quest To Be Sexually Fulfilled on Good Vibes Magazine

My first piece is up over on the magazine run by Good Vibrations, and this one is about The Ongoing Quest To Be Sexually Fulfilled, about having an active sex life within a long term relationship.

That’s where that whole online writing project (aka blog) of mine started, really: in an attempt to write myself into a better sex life, and into personal relationships about my own sexuality, gender identity and expression, and sustaining relationships. For the first three years, I was attempting to write myself into a long term, stable, sane relationship, in part because I wanted to have a better sex life and in part for all the rest of the good stuff that comes with intimacy, cohabitation, and love.

And now, I’ve found the girl I’ve been with for a year and a half, Kristen. And the longer we’re together, the longer it seems we’ll last.

So, now what? Is my quest for a fulfilled sex life over?

Read the whole piece over on the Good Vibes Magazine.